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Showing posts from January, 2022

The Beginning of My Journey

Hello and welcome to my very first blog post! I am very excited to have the opportunity to have my own blog where I can write all about me and what goes on in my day-to-day life. I have never done this before, so hopefully it is smooth sailing from here. I survived the first week of classes, which wasn't too bad. I like all of my professors as well as all of my classes. I'm very eager to start all of them, especially my Social Studies Methods class where I will learn more about how to be a great teacher one day. I already created my Bitmoji classroom that I will paste a picture of below.  I designed my Bitmoji classroom to be simple, yet inviting. I made it super colorful and also included some of the things that I love the most. For example, I included a dog sitting on a beanbag because I love dogs. Fun fact, I actually have 3 dogs! I also included 2 motivational posters in my classroom that are super important. I also have a plant, a desk, some textbooks and a globe to repres