As this semester finally comes to a close, I can now say that I feel extremely relieved. This semester challenged me beyond my limits with the workload and amount of time I have invested. However, I have learned so much about myself and my journey toward becoming a future teacher! The fieldwork for this class provided me so much useful information that I will remember for when I have my own classroom one day. I am very thankful that my group and I were able to teach all 3 lessons: a direct, inquiry and cooperative. The 4th grade students were amazing as well and they taught me a lot about what it takes to be a teacher: PATIENCE! It was an amazing and valuable learning experience that I will forever cherish. This semester has also taught me so much about what Social Studies is and how to teach it. Before this class, I had little to no clue what the methods to teach Social Studies were. Now, I can say that I am confident in my abilities to teach Social Studies as I have...
Engage: I have never seen the painting pictured above before now. Although I do not how whose paintings these are and the history of them, I can guess that they represent important people throughout history. I believe that the first painting is a man standing in a court room standing up for something he believes in while the people around him stare in awe. I think that the second one is some sort of religious representation as the lady with white hair is holding her hands together in a praying position with her eyes closed and the lady next to her is holding a rosary. The third picture looks like a family that is about to eat dinner while the mother/cook serves the food on the table. The last painting I believe is a mother and father tucking their child into bed. I am sure that all of these paintings have some sort of important historical significance and I would love to learn more about them. Explore: Making History Alive Using technology in the classroom can make lessons mor...