Powerful learning and deep understanding derive from team building through cooperative methods. There are five characteristics of cooperative learning which is demonstrated above with the acronym PIGS. Each of the elements within the acronym PIGS has an important meaning. I will define each of them briefly below:
1. Positive Interdependence - refers to two distinct conditions that promote cooperation: a) a positive correlation of outcomes, and b) interdependence
2. Individual Accountability - occurs when the performance of each individual is assessed and results are given back to the group and the individual
3. Group Processing - the interactions and relationships between teachers and students, and among students, as they work side by side
4. Social Skills - behaviors through which we express ideas, feelings, opinions, affection, maintain or improve our relationship with others, and solve and strengthen a social situation
Cooperative learning is extremely important to implement in the classroom along with the five concepts listed above. Not only does cooperative learning encourage cooperation while learning, but it also improves students' self-esteem, increases academic achievement, fosters civic behavior, and supports/celebrates diversity among the classroom community. Ultimately, if cooperative learning is implemented in the correct way students will have the ability to soar way beyond expectations. In addition, the skills that students develop while collaborating with others differ in a tremendous way when compared with working independently. Working with others gives students the opportunity to develop good learning and social skills. It is extremely important for educators to make sure that students are working to build positive relationships with other classmates as well as create a learning community that values diversity.
- Goals, Characteristics, and Methods of the Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning
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